Monday, November 05, 2007

Judgy people

Why do I feel like I'm being judged every time the topic of induction comes up? It's our business what we decide to do, and if I wind up with a c-section because of an induction, that'll be okay too because I just want my baby born alive and well. I don't care how he comes into this world.

I've heard horror stories, and I've heard wonderful stories, and I don't know yet which one I'll be...but I do know that as long as I get a healthy baby out of this, it'll be a happy ending. And that's good enough for me.


I'm Not Skippy said...

My wife was induced because her water broke. The L&D nurse we had when the poticin started desc ribed it best, "some people say the induction makes the contractions hurt more...that's not true. It does make you go from no contractions to big contractions fast." She was right 4.5 hours later we had a baby.

You're completely right. No one gives you a gold start for epidural free birth, or induction free birth, or even vaginal birth.

You're next fight?. . . nursing nazis. Sometimes nursing doesn't go as planned. Some women need a nipple shield, some need to pump and to bottle feed, some need to suppliment with formula, some can't nurse at all. . . the important thing is the baby eats and grows. You can't starve the baby so you can do it the "natural" way.

Anonymous said...

I think anyone who judges is in some serious denial about the realities of childbirth. The fact is, it doesn't always go as planned, and that's okay. You can plan for a natural birth all you want, but sometimes it just doesn't happen. That doesn't make the birth any less wonderful or special. My water broke and they gave me pitocin. I'll admit, it sucked, big time, but I'm glad I did it. They started the Pit, and my Peanut was born 4 hours later. It was a great experience all around, and I'd make the same choices over again. Don't listen to the people who want to criticize. YOU decide how you want Turkey's birth to be, and you'll be happy with the result.

Andria said...

ITA with the above. You know how I feel about the induction- and I am pretty much coming to terms that I will have one in the next day or two. You are a wonderful mother. You will do what's best for Turkey. Don't listen to those people.
And, I hope my bringing up my possible induction lately hasn't made you think I am judging you! I lurve me some Amy! (((Hugs)))

Kelly said...

Sorry you feel like you are being judged. You shouldn't have to deal with that right now. You know what is best for you and your baby!

NG said...

How did you get up there on my soapbox?

I wish people would just realize that there is no 100% right way to do it for everyone. You do what is the best option for YOU, in YOUR situation, with YOUR child. Believe it or not, people, that isn't the exact same thing for everyone in the world.

Erika said...

Your baby, your body, your decision! Whatever happens, I hope it goes well.

(Count me in for TWO wonderful induction stories!)

Anonymous said...

Amen! I felt the same way when I chose to be induced. To heck with everyone else. Do what you feel is right for you.

Anonymous said...

My OB told me his philosopy is "the least trauma to the mom and the least trauma to the baby". The goal here is you and Turkey coming out of this in the best of health. Those induction and nursing nazis....just flush 'em. They don't live your life. You will make the best decision for YOU when the time comes. :)

Steph said...

I totally agree with Molly. I went to 41 weeks with Liv and was induced because I got stuck at 3cms. With Gabe, I wanted a natural birth and ended up with a failed version and a C-section. In the end I have 2 beautiful kiddos out of it. You never know how a birth is going to go, even if you plan it in your head. I hope yours goes well and that you are happy with it.

Poppy said...

Hon, you do what is right for you and your baby boy.

Don't give those who want to chastise you for your decisions one second of thought. They have no stake in the birth of your child. You know you won't make any decisions lightly and that's all that that you are informed and comfortable with the choice you make.

You don't need any stress at this point. Tell whoever has a "story" to tell or advice to give on the induced/not induced birth that while you understand they want to share their experience with would prefer to find your own way in the decision making process.

Unfortunately this will not be the end of the well meaning "advice" from all the buttkinski's. Bone up now for shutting down the "helpful" folks...quickly.

Kick back and put your feet have better things to do than let people upset you.

Anonymous said...

Only the end result matters....a healthy baby and mom. You are an informed patient and you both can/will/should make your own decisions. I am 100% behind you. You have done everything you can to bring this baby to term and you will see it through any way you need/want/have to. Everyone has a story--you will have one also and I know it will have a beautiful ending.

gail said...

Amen Sista.

Birth is birth and as long as that little guy arrives into this world safely, with his momma intact, then it was a triumph and I personally cannot wait.

Emmakirst said...

Induction x 3 out of my 4 children and I doubt things will be any different this time around, so you can clearly see where I stand. sure it brings on ctx faster, but whatever is needed for baby to come, I agree as long as baby is born well and alive, risk of c/s or not it's about the baby. (i have never had a c/s either)

Erika said...

I read somewhere someone once said, all birth is natural birth. Well, unless the baby comes out of your nose. :)

Anonymous said...

Stick to your gut, and do what's best for you and the baby. Only you know what that is. ((HUGS))

'I'm not skippy' has some great advice.

Katrina said...

blah, you have to do what you have to do for the safety of both you and your little guy.
once it happens, how he came won't even matter...he'll be here and he'll look up at you with those gorgeous eyes and nothing in the world will matter but those eyes.

JayJayGhatt said...

don't let self-righteous dumb asses ruin your birthing experience. it's been textbook up until now and you do what you have to do. insecure people sure do know how to play head trips on people. yikes!

i guess folks like that look down on folks like me who've had 2 c-sections. am i less a mother or my children less worthy of being birthed? WTF?

Unknown said...

True that. But looks like he's coming on his own!

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