This past weekend was chock-full of holiday activities. On Saturday morning, we headed out to a local church that was hosting a free Breakfast with Santa. Carter loved the puppets singing Christmas songs, and the muffins, and seeing Santa. But sitting on Santa's lap? Not so much. He freaked out so quickly we couldn't even get a picture. Oh well. The best part was when we were all trying to get Santa to come out, the whole place was singing Jingle Bells and Carter was singing along with us. It was so cute!
After his nap, we headed up to Maryland to celebrate Hanukkah with my family. Carter played with his cousins, and sang the dreidel song, and loved opening presents. He got some great gifts and was such a good boy the whole day.
On Sunday, Carter and I went to a Hanukkah party sponsored by a local synagogue. We didn't stay long because it was really crowded and a little overwhelming but he colored some pictures, and got some stickers, and played with Legos with other kids before he was ready to head home. We didn't even last long enough to get some latkes and donuts, but I'm grateful for that. Or, rather, my slowing shrinking thighs are.